Saturday, November 14, 2009

TriVita Launches Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh

Much more than your average multi-vitamin. Wellavoh brings vitamins and much more. Wellavoh from the Sonoran Desert is a multi-nutrient supplement in two formulas; one to meet the specific nutrient needs of men and another for the nutrient needs of women.

Wellavoh (wel-lah vōh) – is derived from the

Native American language and means

“Wellness Harvest.”

Wellavoh is rooted in the healing plants of the Sonoran Desert

and brings native traditions and ancient wisdom

from the Nopal cactus and other Sonoran botanicals

to you in its purest and freshest form.

Improve your health

Wellavoh’s unique and healthful benefits come together to create complete nutrition for men and women, both day and night.

Day-to-day diets lack essential nutrients
It’s hard to get the essential daily nutrients your body needs from an a verage diet. With busy schedules, finding the time to prepare wholesome meals can seem nearly impossible. Many fast food restaurants offer a quick and easy solution to meals, but the food they serve lacks nutritional value and is usually very high in fat. In grocery stores, we often buy processed foods and frozen meals, which contain many additives that strip the foods’ nutritional value. Even the healthiest of diets can lack much-needed nutrients due to vegetables and fruit grown in depleted soils and poor farming conditions.

Your body weakens without the right nourishment
Your body is composed of trillions of cells that all work together to creat e an entire YOU. Imagine what would happen if, little by little, your cells began to get damaged from a lack of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Damaged and undernourished cells can lead your body to a weakened immune system that drains you of energy and strength, and makes you more susceptible to illness. Wellavoh feeds your body the nutrients it desires or lacks, so it can fill in any gaps in nutrition.

Daily multi-vitamins are not enough
Many people take a daily multi-vitamin in order to make up for nutrient deficiencies. But this typically falls short. That’s because most daily multi-vitamins are not of the highest quality and standards. For example, they often lack the broad spectrum of nutrient classes your body needs. Or, their ingredients are made from synthetic substances, which are not easily absorbed by your body. Far too many multi-vitamins are formulated as “one type fits all,” with ingredients that aren’t gender specific. This is where Wellavoh comes in.

Take Wellavoh – the daily multi-nutrient complex for complete nutrition
Wellavoh is a solution to the daily nutritional deficiency that most people face. You can take it instead of your daily multi-vitamin because it gives you so much more. That’s why it’s called a “multi-nutrient” instead of a multi-vitamin. Wellavoh is composed of exceptional daily formulas for men and women with 22 different vitamins and minerals.
  • The men’s formula supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood sugar health.
  • The women’s formula supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and breast health.
  • AM and PM formulas work two ways: AM for energy and vitality during the day, PM for repair and rejuvenation during the night.
  • Four exclusive blends with rare and powerful nutrients derived from herbs, plants, fruits, oils and more.
  • Six essential nutrient classes to make a complete multi-nutrient complex.
  • Comes in easy-to-swallow, soft-gel capsules for improved absorption and maximum benefit.
  • Individually packaged for convenient, on-the-go use.

Come back for more information on Wellavoh and other TriVita Nutraceutical Products from the Sonoran Bloom Brand or go
to learn more about Wellavoh and Nopalea.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Sonoran Bloom Product: Wellavoh by TriVita

TriVita's Sonoran Bloom Nopalea has been a smash hit and the Incredible wellness stories people are telling out of their experiences with this anti-inflammatory health drink just keep pouring in.

Soon TriVita will be releasing the next in the Sonoran Bloom Line, more than a multi-vitamin, Wellavoh is a multi-nutrient complex in 2 forms designed specifically for men and women.

Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh – Coming soon!

Nopalea was the first product under the Sonoran Bloom product line. Now, we are getting ready to launch a brand new product under Sonoran Bloom, called Wellavoh

Wellavoh is our new daily multi-nutrient complex for complete nutrition. Its unique formulas for both men and women are composed of 22 different vitamins and minerals and provide superior health support both day and night. Wellavoh is not your average multi-vitamin. It is nutrient-packed to give your body powerful support for optimal health.

Some of Wellavoh's incredible features:
  • The men's formula supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood sugar health.

  • The women's formula supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and breast health.

  • AM and PM formula works two ways: AM for energy and vitality during the day, PM for repair and rejuvenation during the night.

  • Includes SIX essential nutrient classes that make it a complete multi-nutrient complex: including Vitamins, Macro and Trace Minerals, Phytonutrients, Enzymes and Essential Fatty Acids.

  • Provides FOUR blends of rare, beneficial nutrients found in herbs, plants, fruits, oils and more, to provide you with nutrients not found in your daily diet.

  • Comes in easy-to-swallow, soft-gel capsules for improved absorption, maximum benefit.

  • Individually packaged for on-the-go use.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Testimonials just keep coming?

Here's just one of many testimonial about the amazing anti-inflammatory superfruit drink Nopalea. There are a lot of juice drinks out there being promoted for your health but they are just antioxidant or energy drinks. Nopalea is unique in its anti-inflammatory properties. The juice is from the cactus fruit of the Sonora Desert and contains all 24 betalains. Betalains are unparalleled in their ability to quench inflammation.

And the negative effects of inflammation on the human body is enormous.

Read and hear testimonials about Nopalea at TriVita's Sonoran Bloom Nopalea website found here.


Here's a little more info about Betalains from the Nopalea website:

How they heal
When you drink Nopalea, you take these betalains into your system, where they begin to restore your vitality on a cellular level. By helping the body reduce the toxins surrounding your cells and enabling essential nutrients to reach each cell, the betalains in Nopalea can reduce the inflammation in your body that leads to disease.

Scientific research shows that betalains help to:

  • Reduce the risk of blood clots—betalains protect the thin lining of your blood vessels; this helps reduce the inflammation that makes your blood sticky and leads to clots.
  • Reduce bad cholesterol—betalains strongly reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol.
  • Protect cells from toxins—betalains protect many types of cells, especially brain cells, from toxins known to trigger tumors.
  • Protect your liver—betalains provide significant protection from toxins that directly affect your liver.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Inflammation May Trigger Alzheimer's Disease

Doctor William A. Banks published an article which appeared in the June issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Which outlines how his studies have shown a causal connection between inflammation and Alzheimer's Disease. In essence, inflammation blocks the amyloid beta protein from it's escape from the brain and into the bloodstream and this is what scientists are now saying causes the disease. Doctor Banks suggests that treating inflammation may be the best treatment for Alzheimer's.

"Two research studies published by William A. Banks, M.D., professor of geriatrics and pharmacological and physiological science at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, support this conclusion and offer what he calls a "one-two punch" in giving clues on how Alzheimer's disease develops and could be treated.

His study in the July edition of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease supports the idea that toxic levels of amyloid beta protein, the substance scientists believe is responsible for Alzheimer's disease, accumulate in the brain because a pump that pushes it into the blood and past the blood-brain barrier malfunctions...

Inflammation, which is part of the body's natural immune response, occurs when the body activates white blood cells and produces chemicals to fight infection and invading foreign substances."

(Excerpts from ScienceDaily, July 9, 2009)

TriVita Sonoran Bloom Nopalea

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Inflammation and TriVita Sonoran Bloom Nopalea

I had no idea of the number of illnesses and conditions affected by inflammation before TriVita introduced their Sonoran Bloom Nopalea health drink.


Scientists have tied inflammation to an unending array of diseases. Here are a few quotations from scientific articles I have found on the internet:

"Inflammation has long been linked to both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Now, there’s emerging research that also links chronic inflammation to allergies, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, digestive disorders, heart disease, hormonal imbalances and osteoporosis."

"Inflammation is what causes arthritic pain, stiffness when using your muscles, the wheezing of asthma and the discomfort of allergies. It is even possible that the progression of atherosclerosis is directly related to chronic inflammation in up to 50 percent of cases. Excess acid production also increases the inflammatory response leading to loss of bone and joint tissues."

"How does inflammation relate to heart disease and stroke risk?

“Inflammation” is the process by which the body responds to injury or an infection. Laboratory evidence and findings from clinical and population studies suggest that inflammation is important in atherosclerosis (ath”er-o-skleh-RO’sis). This is the process in which fatty deposits build up in the inner lining of arteries.""

Inflammation equals aging. Inflammation is the reason you get wrinkles; why you forget everything from where you left your car keys to your neighbor’s first name; why you can be irritable and depressed and why you lose the healthy bloom of youth.”

“In the past two years there have been studies suggesting that chronic inflammation may be the root cause of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, and many other immune disorders. Most of the diseases and complaints associated with aging — including aging skin — can be partially explained by chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is a particular issue for women during and after menopause. Somehow — and we’re not yet sure how — this hormonal transition stokes the fire. Inflammation caused by hormonal imbalance could be a key reason why women suffer 75% of all autoimmune disease.”


Do your own research and you'll find that inflammation is an enemy to us all. Research further about the Anti-inflammatory properties of the Nopal Cactus fruit and the Betalains contained within and you will want to know more about Nopalea.

If Inflammation is the problem, You will want to learn more about Nopalea!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

TriVita Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Sales Soar

TriVita introduced Nopalea just 2 months ago and it has risen to number 2 in sales among all of TriVita's over 50 health and wellness products. The amazing thing is that TriVita has not really even begun to market the product! Just within the last few days, they included it in their monthly catalog sent out to their existing customers. They are developing an infomercial to be broadcast on television in a few months but in the mean time sales are mushrooming based on the word of mouth of the TriVita Affilliate Members along with the 30 city tour by CEO Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew.

I believe there are 2 main reasons for the success of this launch.
  • The phenomenal power of Nopalea to contribute to the wellness of the individuals who experience it for themselves. Read and listen to some remarkable testimonials HERE at
  • The once in a lifetime opportunity to get in on a ground floor opportunity with an established company. TriVita is a 10 year old debt free nutriceutical company backed by a 38 year old media company, Ellison Media. They expect Nopalea to be their first Billion Dollar Product! That's a lot of commissions to be earned and awarded. Learn how to get in on this opportunity HERE at

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nopalea WORKS!

TriVita's new Nopalea product and the new compensation scheme tied to the Sonoran Bloom product line has made building this business through introducing others so much easier! Virtually everyone can benefit from Nopalea, but those who have the conditions that can be obviously tied to inflammation, who have struggled with pain and discomfort from inflammation for years (conditions like neuropathy, fibromyalgia and asthma) are eager to give Nopalea a try.

Inflammation is at the root of many of the ills people suffer today, some aren't so obvious as pain of arthritis or difficulty breathing due to asthma. There are conditions like atherosclerosis and other conditions relating to c-reactive protein which lead to heart disease and stroke. The list of illnesses tied to inflammation is lengthy.

Hear directly from Dr. Brazos Minshew, TriVita's Chief Science Officer about the science of Nopalea here.

Listen to a recording about the TriVita business opportunity and Sonoran Bloom Nopalea including remarks from TriVita Vice President Marcus Ellison at

Finally, here's a great call with Testimonials about the Nopalea product recorded shortly after the product launch on March 26, 2009.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea FAQ

TriVita has published a FAQ page on the Sonoran Bloom website which covers many of the common questions about this remarkable new wellness product from the Nopal (Prickly Pear) Cactus of the Sonoran Desert. Learn more about Nopalea HERE.

Below is a copy of the company FAQ page:

  1. What is Nopalea?
    Nopalea is a deliciously unique concentrated wellness drink that blends antioxidant-rich Nopal cactus, naturally sweet Agave nectar and an array of beneficial nutrients. These fresh ingredients are carefully harvested from the Sonoran Desert and aseptically bottled to deliver scientifically proven health benefits.
  2. What does the name Nopalea mean?
    The name is derived from the word “Nopal.” This is a type of cactus found in the Sonoran Desert and known for its antioxidant-rich healing properties. The Nopal cactus fruit is the key ingredient in Nopalea.
  3. What are the key benefits of Nopalea?
    Nopalea has been scientifically proven to promote optimal cellular health and to help you:
    • Protect against premature aging
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Promote optimal cellular health
    • Detoxify the body
    Explore the health benefits.
  4. What type of fruit is the Nopalea juice made from?
    The Nopal cactus fruit is key ingredient in Nopalea. The fruit is carefully harvested from the Sonoran Desert, using sustainable wildcrafting techniques that the native Sonorans have used for thousands of years.
  5. What makes Nopalea so unique?
    Nopalea contains a rare and potent class of antioxidants called betalains. Of all the known sources for betalains, the Nopal cactus fruit supplies some of the highest amounts found in all of nature.
  6. How is Nopalea different from other Superfruit concentrates products?
    While many superfruit liquid wellness concentrates are available today such as Noni, Mangosteen, and Acai, Nopalea is made from the purest and freshest Opuntia Ficus Indica (Nopal) cactus that produces a antioxidant rich Superfruit. This powerful Superfruit is unique in that it contains a rare class of Antioxidant called Betalain. The Betalain antioxidant is scientifically studied and proven to help the body detoxify itself from harmful environmental toxins which help reduce and protect against inflammation. Inflammation is now considered the number one precursor to dangerous and life threatening disease.
  7. With so many Superfruit products available why should I use an Opuntia Ficus Indica (Nopal) product over an Acai, Noni or Mangosteen product?
    There are many superfruits available and they all contain antioxidants to help slow the aging process and fight free radicals. However, none of them have the clinical research that Opuntia Ficus Indica does on helping the body detoxify and reduce inflammation. Because science has proven inflammation is a serious cause for disease Opuntia Ficus Indica could be a more prudent selection.
  8. What are betalains?
    Betalains are a rare and potent class of antioxidants found in extremely high, concentrated levels in the Nopal cactus fruit. When you drink Nopalea, you take these betalains directly into your system, where they work on the cellular level to restore your vitality.

    Scientific research shows that the betalains found in the Nopal cactus fruit can help to detoxify your body, eliminating the poisons we encounter every day. Betalains also help the body reduce inflammation, protecting you from a wide variety of disorders. Learn more about betalains.
  9. How else can I get Betalain antioxidants in my diet?
    There are 24 types of Betalains known to science each one having a different function. Beets contain up to 6 of the 24 Betalains; Rainbow Swiss chard contains 12 Betalains. Nopal fruit can contain up to all 24 Betalain types, especially the Opuntia Ficus Indica Nopal fruit from the Sonora Desert. There are many species of Nopal that grow around the world. Opuntia Ficus Indica thrives in the extreme environment of the Sonora Desert and when wild-harvested at the peak of ripeness can contain all 24 Betalain types.
  10. How is the Betalain antioxidant different from other Superfruit antioxidants?
    Betalains are a protein-bound antioxidant that does more than help slow aging. Betalain antioxidants can help the body reduce inflammation, detoxify the cell and restore the balance between the inside and outside of the cell for optimal cellular function. While many antioxidants have been claimed to have different health benefits, the Betalain antioxidant is specifically studied to help the body reduce inflammation on a measurable and therapeutic level. Multiple studies show that Betalain antioxidants can help the human cell detoxify and remove unwanted and dangerous toxins which help reduce inflammation.
  11. What makes Nopalea so effective?
    Quality! Nopalea is made from premium, antioxidant-rich Nopal cactus fruit. This fruit is carefully harvested from the Sonoran Desert, using the same techniques the native Sonorans have been using for thousands of years. From there, the fruit is juiced to a puree and bottled in a state-of-the-art facility, which ensures quality and freshness while also preserving the antioxidants and their potency. Learn more about our harvesting and bottling process.
  12. What kind of scientific research has been done on Nopal cactus?
    To date, 287 scientific papers have been published on the benefits and attributes of Nopal. These are found in the highest quality, peer-reviewed journals. These are supported by the National Institutes of Health database to insure that the conclusions are valid. They report improvements in cell function, immunity, detoxification and especially a reduction in inflammation.
  13. How does TriVita ensure the quality of Nopalea?
    Like all TriVita products, Nopalea is created in accordance with our company’s 10 Foundational Values. These Values ensure the quality of Nopalea, which is made under the strictest quality controls in the nutritional supplement industry. All of the Nopalea manufacturing and laboratory processes meet or exceed the most current Good Manufacturing Practices, as published by the Food and Drug Administration.
  14. Does Nopalea contain any added sugar or artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors?
  15. With so many Superfruit concentrates containing such high amounts of sugar and calories, how does Nopalea stack up?
    The fruit of the Nopal cactus is naturally sweet and low in both calories and carbohydrates. Nopalea contains no added sugar or artificial sweeteners. A single serving (1 ounce) contains less than 1 gram of carbohydrates and only 5 calories.
  16. Are there any preservatives in Nopalea?
  17. How does Nopalea compare from a price standpoint to other superfruit concentrates?
    Nopalea is currently known to be the only preservative-free Nopal liquid concentrate that is using the Sonoran Desert Opuntia Ficus Indica (Nopal) cactus and bottled under strict aseptic conditions. Being it is such a new and unique product to the marketplace it is difficult to compare it to similar products. When comparing to other superfruit branded products Nopalea case price of $34.99USD per bottle falls within the middle of a low to high price range.
  18. Is Nopalea safe for everyone?
    Yes. Nopalea is a natural, concentrated wellness drink made from Nopal cactus fruit, which is harvested from the Sonoran Desert at the peak of its freshness. From there, the fruit is juiced to a puree and bottled in a state-of-the-art facility, which ensures quality and freshness while also preserving the antioxidants and their potency. Learn more about our harvesting and bottling process.
  19. How much Nopalea should I take?
    TriVita suggests taking 1 to 3oz of Nopalea every day, but you can take more as your body demands.
  20. Is it safe to take Nopalea with medication?
    There are no known contraindications with Nopalea and medications. However, Nopalea is a dietary supplement. If you are taking any medications or have a known medical condition, it’s best to consult with your health care provider before drinking Nopalea.
  21. Should I continue taking vitamins and minerals if I drink Nopalea regularly?
    Yes. Nopalea drives down inflammation created by trauma, toxins, allergy, infection and nutrient deficiency. To protect yourself from the nutrient deficiencies that can be a cause of inflammation, you should supplement your healthy diet with daily nutrients.
  22. How can I ensure the product maintains it’s freshness after opening?
    To maintain freshness, keep refrigerated after opening. Do not drink directly from the container. Consume within 30 days. Do not use if safety seal under cap is broken or missing.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea and Inflammation

The wellness benefits of Nopalea are found in several aspects, it contains an unparalleled anti-oxidant, Betalains. It detoxifies the body at the cellular level and It is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is becoming more and more widely recognized as a primary factor in many of the major ills besetting mankind today.

Quoting an article on Inflammation found at,

"Most allergy and asthma sufferers are all too familiar with inflammation, but you may not realize that inflammation also plays a key role in arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and many others. Over the past few decades, scientists have realized that the process of inflammation is virtually the same in different diseases, and a better understanding of inflammation may lead to better treatments for numerous diseases. Inflammation is a hot topic in medical research. Just last month, researchers at U.C. San Diego found a link between inflammation and cancer in the form of a specific protein. In a seperate study last month, psychiatrists at King's College in London found that people who were physically or sexually abused as children are twice as likely to have inflammatory proteins in their blood..."

Later in the same article, they point to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2001 which showed an "80% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's among those taking anti-inflammatory medicines daily for 2 years."

They also reported that, "In fact, inflammation is so closely associated with heart disease that many doctors now use use a test for inflammation called CRP (C-reactive protein) to assess a person's risk of heart attack. Research shows that CRP can predict the risk of heart attack and stroke as well or better than cholesterol levels." (emphasis mine)

Remember, TriVita offers a 60 day, no questions asked, Money Back Guarantee on all of its products.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Testimonial

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea testimonials are found at

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nopalea, ONLY the Beginning!

On a recent conference call, TriVita Vice President, Marcus Ellison discussed the direction TriVita will be going in the future with the Sonoran Bloom line.

He projected enormous growth for TriVita in the near future which will mean enormous commissions paid out to their Affiliate Members. Currently TriVita is limited for the most part to Canada and the U.S. soon they will begin an expanded promotional effort. Marcus Ellison suggested that in the year 2010 TriVita will be going across the ocean to take Nopalea to the world!

Additionally, he discussed the future of Sonoran Bloom and the next couple of products to be introduced. We have previously heard a little about the upcoming Streptocantha Gel product. He stated that it would be launched in tandem with the annual Galaxy of Stars event to be held this October.

The third planned Sonoran Bloom product is to be a Soft Gel Multi-Vitamin for both men and women.

In discussing the development of the Sonoran Bloom Line of Health Products. Mr. Ellison stated that they have identified 10-25 plants from the Sonoran Desert with medicinal value that they may utilize in their development of new products designed to enhance the lives and wellness of humanity.

As an example of the development process he mentioned one valuable ingredient found in these plants: pectin fiber. Which is being explored for its value in the fight against metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of medical disorders when occurring in one person can signal risk of the development of serious medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke and type2 diabetes. It is believed to occur in 1 in 5 people worldwide and worsens with age. In the U.S.A. estimates are that as many as 25% of the population suffers from metabolic syndrome. This condition is also known as "metabolic syndrome," "insulin resistance syndrome," and "syndrome X" and "CHAOS".

So, Nopalea is only the beginning................BUT WHAT A BEGINNING!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Sonoran Bloom Website featuring Nopalea

TriVita has finally launched their newest product, Sonoran Bloom Nopalea and a new website has been launched as well containing everything you want to know about the health benefits of this SuperFruit based drink from the Sonoran Desert.

Note the beautiful rich coloring of the Nopalea bottle, that is the color of the bloom of the Nopal Cactus. This color is due to the Betalains contained within. Betalains are used as a food colorant but beyond that provide tremendous anti-oxidant health benefits.

The next product to be launched from the Sonoran Bloom line will be Sonoran Gel. It will be a topical gel also from the Nopal Cactus.

Here's just a taste of what you'll find at the website:

The power of Nopal cactus
Nopalea (Nō-pah lay’ uh) blends antioxidant-rich Nopal cactus superfruit with naturally sweet Agave nectar to bring you a deliciously unique concentrated wellness drink. Harnessing the power of betalains, a rare and powerful class of antioxidants that flourishes in the Nopal fruit, Nopalea delivers scientifically proven health benefits.

The purity of premium fruit
Nopalea uses only the freshest Nopal cactus fruit and preserves its antioxidant potency in our state-of-the-art facility. We carefully harvest the fruit using sustainable wildcrafting techniques that have been practiced in the Sonoran Desert for thousands of years.

The strength to heal and thrive
Nopalea is a natural, low-calorie concentrated wellness drink that helps you live a healthier life. Drink Nopalea daily to help:

  • Protect against premature aging
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Promote optimal cellular health
  • Detoxify the body

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Introduced in 1Day!

Watch this spot for the latest news as TriVita finally releases the details on the new health drink. The testimonials are already beginning to trickle in from the few people who have been able to sample Nopalea during the pre-launch phase.

The corporate people in the know barely seem able to contain their excitement as they anticipate unparalleled growth and amazing health benefits to be experienced in the very near future.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Fruit of the Sonoran Desert

The source of the Sonoran Bloom product line soon to be launched by TriVita are considered to be healing food plants they are calling it the Fruit of the Sonoran Desert.

Just a few of the descriptive phrases and terms used to describe the Sonoran Bloom line and Nopalea, the introductory product in the line:
  • anti-oxidant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • mood elevating
  • pro-biotic
  • improves sports performance
  • promotes weight loss
  • protects your brain
  • detoxifies your body
Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew and CEO Michael Ellison will be bringing the story of Sonoran Bloom and Nopalea to a city near you (if you live in Canada or the United States) in their 30 city North American tour....


According to Brazos Minshew:

“The new Sonoran Bloom™ product line - which includes a proprietary Opuntia liquid concentrate and Streptocantha gel - have significant health applications and benefits,”

“These products offer our Members and Affiliates true wellness benefits by helping with detoxification and reducing inflammation. The source plants for the Sonoran Bloom products are considered healing food plants and were used by ancient people in the Sonora desert. Not only will this story be told by TriVita, but also by our Members and Affiliates, who we believe will want to share these discoveries and results with people all over the world.”


For more information about the TriVita Tour or to register for one of the upcoming events go to

To learn more about TriVita go to


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea North American Tour

Following the upcoming kick off of Nopalea, TriVita CEO, Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew will be going on a 30 city tour of North America where Business Affiliates and their guests will be introduced to this phenomenal health drink. The events will include a free luncheon and a free 32 oz bottle of Nopalea.

The first few dates of the tour are listed below...for more information about the tour or about TriVita email me,

Below are the confirmed dates and locations for April and May:

April 28, 2009 Orlando
April 29, 2009 Tampa
April 30, 2009 Atlanta

Below are the dates and locations we are confirming:

May 12, 2009 Charlotte
May 13, 2009 Kansas City
May 14, 2009 Albuquerque
May 19, 2009 Bangor
May 21, 2009 Baltimore

Monday, March 2, 2009

TriVita Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Launch Imminent!

Finally we are in the launch month for Nopalea. This is going to be big. Big for TriVita. Big for me. Big for whoever wants a piece of this pie. The Sonoran Bloom health product line will be introduced at the kick off of the North American Tour of TriVita CEO Michael Ellison which begins in Phoenix, Arizona March 26, 2009.

Here's a little piece of the TriVita Weekly update for February 27, 2009:

TriVita is preparing to embark on one of our most ambitious endeavors in our 10-year history – the launch of Sonoran Bloom Nopalea™ and the Sonoran Bloom Tour featuring CEO Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew.

“I believe that Sonoran Bloom Nopalea will be TriVita’s first billion dollar product,” states Michael Ellison. This premier product launch is being supported by several key initiatives to help increase Business Affiliate growth, including; a North American Tour, beautifully designed branding and marketing materials and a simple, yet effective, Share and Earn Income Accelerator System.

Sonoran Bloom Tour Kicks Off In Phoenix

On March 26, 2009, in Phoenix, Arizona, the Sonoran Bloom tour kicks off with a special Business Affiliate afternoon training session and an evening event.This is much more than an Event or Conference… this is the exclusive launching of a new opportunity greater than anything ever in the 10 year history of TriVita… don’t get left behind because you are not part of the momentum and flow of where TriVita is going. Join us so you can accelerate your business as never before.

To learn more about Trivita, click here.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nopalea, new details released

Specific details about Sonoran Bloom Nopalea have been scarce thus far but as we approach the launch of what TriVita CEO, Michael Ellison, has projected will be TriVita's first Billion Dollar product, we are beginning to see hints of what is to come.

Today's news release from TriVita:
  • Describes Nopalea as a rich blend of Superfruits great for building a healthy cellular foundation which is key to health.
  • Notes that Nopalea can help reduce inflammation which can weaken the body and has been linked to chronic pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, heart disease, Alzheimer's, etc.
  • Describes Nopalea as a delicious wellness drink.
In addition, the news release discusses the new aspects to the TriVita business opportunity to be launched concurrent with Nopalea:
  • It suggests that with the new "Share and Earn" program you can earn up to $500-$2000 in 90 days
  • Mentions the 70% "Share and Earn" income accelerator "pay out" for Nopalea

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Tour Begins March 26

The much anticipated TriVita Sonoran Bloom Tour is beginning soon.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Soon to Launch

The initial product, Nopalea will be a 32 oz bottle of liquid which will comprise a one month supply. Its primarily use will be to fight inflammation in the body. Third party clinical trials have already been completed on the ingredients that will be a part of Nopalea and the rest of the products in the Sonoran Bloom line.

The Sonoran Desert is the most fruitful desert in the world and is visited by millions of people yearly. It is one of the least polluted areas on this planet and reportedly, the products which are a part of the Sonoran Bloom line will originate from the Sonoran Desert will be organic.

TriVita will be launching a new Sonoran Bloom infomercial next fall and in probably May or June will feature the line in their VitaJournal. And of course they are soon to launch the tour featuring Company founder and CEO, Michael Ellison.

The first of the tour dates are announced below:
  • Phoenix Thursday, March 26, 2009 *Sonoran Bloom Kick Off
  • Orlando Tuesday, April 28, 2009
  • Tampa Wednesday, April 29, 2009
  • Atlanta Thursday, April 30, 2009
  • Charlotte Tuesday, May 12, 2009
  • Kansas City Wednesday, May 13, 2009
  • Albuquerque Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Launch Announced by TriVita

TriVita has announced a new product line called Sonoran Bloom™.

On April 1, 2009 they plan to introduce the first of these products which are made from the Nopalea Cactus (prickly pear) found in the Sonoran Desert.

There will initially be two products. An Opuntia liquid concentrate and Streptocantha gel with a topical application.

This line has been in development for over 2 years and gone through over 80 tests.

The Nopal Cactus found in the Sonoran Desert has traditionally been used to treat many conditions and ailments around the world including type-2 diabetes, whooping cough, asthma and cholesterol levels. TriVita is by no means making any claims to treat any illness nor do they sell or distribute medications. However, the possible wide-ranging health benefits of products which they may develop from the Nopalea Cactus are very exciting!

Below find the TriVita News Release for Sonoran Bloom:

TriVita Enhances Business Model to Support Launch of its New Product Line

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona, January 8th, 2009 - TriVita, Inc. announced they are enhancing their direct-to-consumer business model to feature a Share-and-Earn program for TriVita customers in conjunction with the launch of their new Sonoran Bloom™ product line scheduled to launch April 1st, 2009.

TriVita joined the Direct Sellers Association in 2008 to evaluate the possibility of offering a reselling business program to its Members.

“After reviewing our long-term goals of taking our new Sonoran Bloom™ product line international, we knew we had to change from an exclusively media-driven commerce model. This new channel of distribution will help us grow not only domestically but also in those countries whose media infrastructure and regulatory restrictions make growth very challenging,” said Michael Ellison, TriVita CEO. “TriVita Members and Affiliates will have the opportunity to tell others about their personal product experiences, by sharing and sampling our products.”

TriVita’s new Share-and-Earn program is backed by a significant compensation plan that pays out a true 70% on all Sonoran Bloom™ products sold and consumed by new Affiliates for ninety days. This increased compensation opportunity is designed to help TriVita create new product distribution channels as well as helping the new Affiliate earn an extra $500 to $2,000 in their first 90 days.

“When we created the Share-and-Earn compensation program we took the new Affiliate into careful consideration knowing the nature of the high fall-out rate in Direct Sales. We want to change that by helping new Affiliates experience some level of success in their first 90 days. So we created a compensation plan that would reward the enroller and their team up to three generations but also reward the Directors and even the Presidential Directors for their support of a new and growing team in their organization,” said Marcus Ellison, Senior VP of Sales & Marketing.

TriVita is partnering with fellow Direct Seller Association Member Supplier VERTEX to implement the requisite internal restructuring.

“We have selected VERTEX to support our new sales tax systems which include both software and ongoing support services. We believe that with the support of the Direct Sellers Association services and the long-standing successful relationships it has with its member companies, we have a very promising future for our growth goals,” said Don Kurtenbach, CFO of TriVita.

“The new Sonoran Bloom™ product line - which includes a proprietary Opuntia liquid concentrate and Streptocantha gel - have significant health applications and benefits,” said TriVita Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew.

“These products offer our Members and Affiliates true wellness benefits by helping with detoxification and reducing inflammation. The source plants for the Sonoran Bloom™ products are considered healing food plants and were used by ancient people in the Sonora desert. Not only will this story be told by TriVita, but also by our Members and Affiliates, who we believe will want to share these discoveries and results with people all over the world,” said Minshew.

The target date for the launch of the new Share-and-Earn program is April 1st, 2009. Promotional and training events are scheduled in 30 cities to reinforce the launch of both the reselling program and the Sonoran Bloom™ product line. TriVita is planning a special kick-off event to introduce the new Sonoran Bloom™ product line and provide Affiliate training on the Share-and-Earn compensation program March 26th in Phoenix, Arizona.

TriVita, Inc., is dedicated to inspiring people to experience greater wellness. A trusted health solutions and Nutraceutical provider since 1999, TriVita develops unique and proprietary Nutraceutical formulas and offers health and wellness services that support the whole person - physically, emotionally and spiritually. TriVita combines the latest information and resources from the medical community on disease prevention with the latest scientific breakthroughs in nutrition. Each product is made under the strictest quality control standards in the dietary and food supplement industry. All manufacturing and laboratory processes meet or exceed the most current Good Manufacturing Practices as published by the Food and Drug Administration in March 2003 and the new product labeling requirements for 2009.