Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nopalea, ONLY the Beginning!

On a recent conference call, TriVita Vice President, Marcus Ellison discussed the direction TriVita will be going in the future with the Sonoran Bloom line.

He projected enormous growth for TriVita in the near future which will mean enormous commissions paid out to their Affiliate Members. Currently TriVita is limited for the most part to Canada and the U.S. soon they will begin an expanded promotional effort. Marcus Ellison suggested that in the year 2010 TriVita will be going across the ocean to take Nopalea to the world!

Additionally, he discussed the future of Sonoran Bloom and the next couple of products to be introduced. We have previously heard a little about the upcoming Streptocantha Gel product. He stated that it would be launched in tandem with the annual Galaxy of Stars event to be held this October.

The third planned Sonoran Bloom product is to be a Soft Gel Multi-Vitamin for both men and women.

In discussing the development of the Sonoran Bloom Line of Health Products. Mr. Ellison stated that they have identified 10-25 plants from the Sonoran Desert with medicinal value that they may utilize in their development of new products designed to enhance the lives and wellness of humanity.

As an example of the development process he mentioned one valuable ingredient found in these plants: pectin fiber. Which is being explored for its value in the fight against metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of medical disorders when occurring in one person can signal risk of the development of serious medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke and type2 diabetes. It is believed to occur in 1 in 5 people worldwide and worsens with age. In the U.S.A. estimates are that as many as 25% of the population suffers from metabolic syndrome. This condition is also known as "metabolic syndrome," "insulin resistance syndrome," and "syndrome X" and "CHAOS".

So, Nopalea is only the beginning................BUT WHAT A BEGINNING!!

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