Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Testimonials just keep coming?

Here's just one of many testimonial about the amazing anti-inflammatory superfruit drink Nopalea. There are a lot of juice drinks out there being promoted for your health but they are just antioxidant or energy drinks. Nopalea is unique in its anti-inflammatory properties. The juice is from the cactus fruit of the Sonora Desert and contains all 24 betalains. Betalains are unparalleled in their ability to quench inflammation.

And the negative effects of inflammation on the human body is enormous.

Read and hear testimonials about Nopalea at TriVita's Sonoran Bloom Nopalea website found here.


Here's a little more info about Betalains from the Nopalea website:

How they heal
When you drink Nopalea, you take these betalains into your system, where they begin to restore your vitality on a cellular level. By helping the body reduce the toxins surrounding your cells and enabling essential nutrients to reach each cell, the betalains in Nopalea can reduce the inflammation in your body that leads to disease.

Scientific research shows that betalains help to:

  • Reduce the risk of blood clots—betalains protect the thin lining of your blood vessels; this helps reduce the inflammation that makes your blood sticky and leads to clots.
  • Reduce bad cholesterol—betalains strongly reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol.
  • Protect cells from toxins—betalains protect many types of cells, especially brain cells, from toxins known to trigger tumors.
  • Protect your liver—betalains provide significant protection from toxins that directly affect your liver.

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