Monday, March 2, 2009

TriVita Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Launch Imminent!

Finally we are in the launch month for Nopalea. This is going to be big. Big for TriVita. Big for me. Big for whoever wants a piece of this pie. The Sonoran Bloom health product line will be introduced at the kick off of the North American Tour of TriVita CEO Michael Ellison which begins in Phoenix, Arizona March 26, 2009.

Here's a little piece of the TriVita Weekly update for February 27, 2009:

TriVita is preparing to embark on one of our most ambitious endeavors in our 10-year history – the launch of Sonoran Bloom Nopalea™ and the Sonoran Bloom Tour featuring CEO Michael Ellison and Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew.

“I believe that Sonoran Bloom Nopalea will be TriVita’s first billion dollar product,” states Michael Ellison. This premier product launch is being supported by several key initiatives to help increase Business Affiliate growth, including; a North American Tour, beautifully designed branding and marketing materials and a simple, yet effective, Share and Earn Income Accelerator System.

Sonoran Bloom Tour Kicks Off In Phoenix

On March 26, 2009, in Phoenix, Arizona, the Sonoran Bloom tour kicks off with a special Business Affiliate afternoon training session and an evening event.This is much more than an Event or Conference… this is the exclusive launching of a new opportunity greater than anything ever in the 10 year history of TriVita… don’t get left behind because you are not part of the momentum and flow of where TriVita is going. Join us so you can accelerate your business as never before.

To learn more about Trivita, click here.

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